Monday, December 11, 2006

RLF Claims Responsibility

While you may consider that your reindeer was "napped" we beleive we are freeing all reindeer held against their will. Your reindeer prison was brought to our attention by concerned citizens and we are glad we came when we did. The conditions you kept the reindeer in amounted to torture.

Conditions at your reindeer prison (which your refer to as your "front yard"):
  • 3 reindeer with their hooves staked into the ground
  • 1 giant Santa sure to scare neighborhood children
  • 2 penguins being held captive inside a giant snow globe for your amusement
  • 3000 lights disguised as holiday decorations, but really used like prison search lights

We were only able to free one reindeer last night, but we'll be back to free the others soon.


R3...Where are you? said...

The Summerhill Gang said...

I can use Photoshop too...I am on to you...return the reindeer or revenge will be brought down upon your house.