Thursday, December 14, 2006

Beach Bum

Well, reindeer decided not to take the train away from this beautiful place called Southern California. He almost started to go back home to the frozen tundra, but realized that once he had his freedom, this was a pretty sweet place to call home. Maybe you'll run into him next time you're catching some rays. His re-education has been successfully completed! -RLF

Have Freedom, Will Travel

Reindeer is now ready to spread his wings and see the world. He has so much to see after spending years in a box in the garage and only able to come out for one month during the year......and even then....being staked into the ground! -RLF

On another note, we are very excited to see our bretheren at PETOP have finally taken some action!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Re-education Almost Complete

Your reindeer has almost finished re-education and will shortly be his own animal. He is now very concerned with the plight of other captive reindeer everywhere. Oh, the animal cruelty. -RLF

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Climb, Reindeer, Climb

It's amazing what reindeer can accomplish when their feet are not STAKED TO THE GROUND!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Reindeer Like Starbucks Too

Your reindeer has been enjoying the sweet taste of freedom since his liberation. Once we finish our re-education, he will never want to return home again.

RLF Claims Responsibility

While you may consider that your reindeer was "napped" we beleive we are freeing all reindeer held against their will. Your reindeer prison was brought to our attention by concerned citizens and we are glad we came when we did. The conditions you kept the reindeer in amounted to torture.

Conditions at your reindeer prison (which your refer to as your "front yard"):
  • 3 reindeer with their hooves staked into the ground
  • 1 giant Santa sure to scare neighborhood children
  • 2 penguins being held captive inside a giant snow globe for your amusement
  • 3000 lights disguised as holiday decorations, but really used like prison search lights

We were only able to free one reindeer last night, but we'll be back to free the others soon.

Ransom Note

In case you don't remember,
or tore up the ransom note in your rage,
here is another copy...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Want your reindeer back?

Do not contact the authorities.
We will contact you.
For now, your reindeer is safe.